Bible Text: Acts 2: 42-47 | Speaker: Iain Pope | Series: What is Church? | Totterdown Baptist Church's online communion service for 17th May 2020. Revd Iain Pope continues our…
Speaker: Iain Pope | Series: What is Church? | Totterdown Baptist Church's Online service for 3rd May 2020. Revd Iain Pope begins a new series asking 'What is Church?' and…
Bible Text: John 20: 19-31 | Speaker: Iain Pope | The disciple Thomas has sometimes been defined by just one moment when he demanded proof of Jesus' resurrection. But maybe…
Speaker: Iain Pope | tbc's short online service for 19th April 2020. Revd Iain Pope speaks on 'Journeying with Jesus, Part II' from Luke 24: 13 - 35
Speaker: Iain Pope | tbc's short online service for Easter Sunday, 12th April 2020
Speaker: Iain Pope | tbc's short online service for Good Friday, 10th April 2020
Bible Text: Mark 11: 1-11 | Speaker: Iain Pope | tbc's online service for Palm Sunday - 5th April 2020. Revd Iain Pope shares a short message on 'Journeying With…
Bible Text: Luke 10: 25 - 37 | Speaker: Iain Pope | Series: Tales Jesus Taught | tbc's online service from 29th March 2020 Revd Iain Pope speaks on 'Tales…
Bible Text: Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43 | Speaker: Iain Pope | Series: Tales Jesus Taught | The Parable of the Weeds
Bible Text: Mark 4:1-20 | Speaker: Iain Pope | Series: Tales Jesus Taught | The Parable of the Sower