
Leadership Team

Baptists from their very beginning in the 17th century have always insisted that there is a vital role for the whole church together – the many – but also a significant place for some who have particular responsibilities within a congregation – the few.

The tbc Leadership Team is appointed by the Church Members.
It comprises a Minister, Elders, Deacons, Church Secretary and Church Treasurer.

Our Minister is Revd Iain Pope, who joined us in February 2020.

The Elders work alongside the minister and are responsible for the spiritual direction of the church, our teaching and discipleship programmes  and pastoral care.

Our Elders are:

  • Rachael Wright

The Deacons are responsible for the day-to-day management / administration of the Church, in areas such as finance, fellowship, fabric, health & safety, administration and legal matters regarding the functioning of the charity.

Our Deacons are:

  • Kelly Brown
  • Scott Buckland
  • Catherine White
  • Roger Whiter

In addition we have two church officers:

  • Secretary – Lindsay Hopwood
  • Treasurer – Clare Fielding
Do join us as we pray that we would seek together to continue to serve and glorify God in Totterdown, Knowle and beyond.